Target golfing

Target golfing
Robert's wanted to do this for awhile

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Larson Loonie Byne
His name is Lee and we got to play together for hours.
From the start.  I was invited to play at the Joy Fest at Miner Pickin' in Idaho Spring.  Susan, and her husband John own the place and we've been up a few times to join in the Sunday night Bluegrass Jam.  We arrived around 1pm and didn't leave until 6.  My back is till a bit not happy with me, buy my soul is totally enraptured with the joy and fun that day.  She invited Lee up from Black Hills and between Mark on the banjo or guitar, Bonny on the mandolin.  Good times were had by all.  Even Robert.  You can actually hear him sing on one song.  He say's it was to get Bonny to sing, but I think he was just caught up in the moment

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Using the past to help the future
What feels like 100 years ago I was a new missionary in Minnesota.  Got to talking with the mission president's wife, Sr. King, about cooking.  She gave me her family recipe for pie crust.  Odd thing.  Required 5 or 6 cups of flour, darned if I can remember how much shortening, 1 or 2 eggs and 1 or 1/2 & cups milk. (Notice, no vinegar, lots of milk based pie crust recipes do).  Just cannot remember the amounts, lost it years ago, because it has some draw back.  The first being that it made 6 or more pie crusts.  Once or twice upon a time I remember making it, rolling out the pie crusts, freezing them. But it became a bother, so I lost it.  Fast forward 40 years and I'm gluten intolerant.  How to make a pie crust with flours that don't bind like gluten does.  Oh, an dI didn't want to make 6 pie crust.  So I played.  Only wanting 3 pie crust, I used 2-1/2 Cup Bob's Red Mill All Purpose Gluten Free Flour. Mostly because it's highly accessible. I think I will play with other flours as time goes by.  3/4 cup shortening, the natural stuff, 1/2 egg (you figure that out, it's really easy with a stick blender) and 3/4 cup milk.  I'm thinking I'm going to play with a whole egg next time.  This time it was a bit dry, but.  Mix together just like any pie crust and roll it out just like any pie crust.  It worked.  Yes, you have to dust your board and pin, frequently. And the smaller pies that I like to make were a lot easier than the big pumpkin pie I made for the family.  BUT, IT'S NON GLUTEN AND IT HELD TOGETHER.  I won't say it was as easy to use a regular flour, but I learned a lot, and I learned not to fear it.  This is all about adapting.  I've been saying I was getting "bored" with the normal food we've always eaten. Time for a change.  Should have made the change awhile ago.  To bad the Dr's are fighting it.  I really think everyone should get tested, just like you do for cholesterol.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Larson Loonie Byne
So I've started a new blog.
The Eggcellent Collection.
With all of the redecorating we've doing around the house, I had to empty the egg case and have taken the opportunity to photograph each egg, so I'm going do document all of them.  I've decided to put a penny in each photo for comparison
Hope people enjoy them.